A practical approach to understand and meet the challenges of Modern Governance
Most board members and senior executives have an understanding of governance. They know its importance to the wellbeing and long-term viability of their organisation or business.
However many find it challenging to put their governance knowledge into practice in their own organisation.
Having worked with hundreds of organisations over the past two decades, there are several common factors that can de-rail organisations on the path to modern governance:
Activity reporting rather than outcome-based reporting.
A lack of understanding of the ‘should know’ mindset for board members and directors.
A focus on today and tomorrow rather than next month, next year.
A poor understanding of the link between risk vs growth, and risk and strategy
How about bring along a key group from your Board and Management team to explore some simple practical models, discuss the clallenges of modern governance and then chat about how to build and embed a Modern Governance and Reporting Framework to meet those challenges
Aware workshops
Our Aware Workshops.
Join Simon Neaverson, FAICD and founder of GovernRight as he takes you through 4 key models to help understand and meet the challenges of Modern Governance:
It’s not your money” – overview of duties and responsibilities of directors and officers;
The “Should Know Mindset” – the right relationship with management, supported with the right board information
“The 3 Hats of Governance” – how to clearly distinguish between ownership, oversight and operations; and
The “Growth Change Risk Model” – aligning reporting to governance responsibilities, reporting to outcome NOT activity.
This is our most popular workshop and a cost-effective way for boards and senior executives to:
Develop a common language about their governance issues
Learn some powerful yet simple models to develop clarity and
Identify next steps in your journey to Make Governance Work.
The workshops run for two hours, are live, and delivered in a digital format, saving your people travel time and expenses.
The workshops involve practical discussion so that you and your team have a collective understanding of modern governance, and a road map that shows how you can build it.
The price is $250+GST per person; there is a 20% discount for more than 3 people from one organisation.
Reserve your Aware Workshop today:
“A very engaging, thought provoking and practical workshop on governance fundamentals. This awareness short course will be a great induction for our council members, and we propose to continue to offer it year on year.
Your excellent models and approach promise to bring a tectonic shift in mindset.”
Want to know more?
Contact us today to find out how an accredited GovernRight consultant could help your organisation.