Practical experience. Not theory
The GovernRight™ Framework is distilled from over 25 years’ experience. From working with thousands of directors and senior executives from hundreds of boards and governing bodies, across a wide range of organisations and industries.
Accredited GovernRight consultants work with organisations, supported by the GovernRight Platform. To embed the seven pillars of good governance and Make Governance Work™.
The Seven Pillars
These pillars are embedded in an organisation through GovernRight’s methodologies and digital platforms.
Outcomes GovernRight™ clients enjoy
The right level of engagement by the board to the delivery of the seven strategic pillars.
Alignment of initiatives to the organisation’s strategic intent.
A framework to oversee the management functions, in context of the risk appetite set by the board.
Strategic overlay to the management of risk.
Positive assurance on adherence to agreed policies and procedures.
Oversight of change to focus on emerging governance items. With board engagement when necessary.
Focus the board agenda on areas by exception. Based on the organisation's own governance data, by items flagged “orange” and “red”.
The visibility of all governance items in one platform improves oversight.
Typically it saves 30-50% of management time preparing board papers.
But more importantly, it drives better organisational outcomes.
The Right Balance
GovernRight™ strikes a healthy balance in the relationship between the board and management team. It:
elevates true oversight by the board. The agenda drives items that require board discussion on matters of resource deployment.
and in turn allows the management team to focus on the daily operations of the organisation.
It improves the governance and reporting.
““The GovernRight Growth, Change, Risk framework has been particularly helpful in assisting our board and management focus at a strategic level while ensuring appropriate risk oversight.
Through more outcome-based reporting, GovernRight has helped embed an effective Governance framework driving board and management accountability and organisational outcomes.””
Want to know more?
Contact us today to find out how an accredited GovernRight consultant could help your organisation.